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Friday 1 August 2014

Water Can Make Wonders For Your Weight Loss Naturally

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The body is composed of approximately 60% water. The work of these fluids including digestion, nutrient transport; absorption; Saliva creation; circulation; and maintaining body temperature.

When low in such fluids, brain the thirst mechanism is activated, and except when taking medicines that tend to make a thirst,

It is important to pay attention to these signals and get a drink of water, milk, juice, coffee, but no alcohol because alcohol interferes with communication between the brain and kidney.

While water has a magical result directly on the weight loss, the replacement of high calorie drinks that will definitely help. Foods that have high water content appear larger, the upper volume requires additional

chewing, and is absorbed much more slowly into your body, which ultimately helps you feel pretty full. These water-rich foods include vegetables, fruits, oatmeal, beans and broth-based soups.

Body cells that do not preserve the balance of electrolytes and fluids contract, which can lead to muscle fatigue. Sufficient fluid intake is vital to exercise.

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